Church of St. Bartholomew - photo: RHAK
Interior of St. Bartholomew - photo: RHAK
Altar and the Geddes Window - photo: RHAK
Sunday gathering at St. Barts
St. Barts Labyrinth - photo: RHAK
2023 Bazaar - photo: Chris Dunn
Easter Lilies - photo: RHAK

Welcome to the Church of St. Bartholomew

Sunday Services

In person
8:30 a.m. BCP
Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. BAS
Sung Eucharist


Sunday Bulletins

Download a copy of the current
Sunday Bulletin


Weekly Altar Flowers

Flowers are not placed in the Sanctuary during Lent. You are kindly asked to consider making a contribution towards the flowers at Easter.
Deadline for Easter Flowers
is Monday, March 25th

Easter Altar Flowers


Read Chris Burn's latest installment, "Little Gidding (1942)", in The Calendar


Online DonationsCanada Helps
You can now donate through our own online form.


2024 Vestry Report

Contact Office


Welcome to St. Barts


Sunday Services

The Reverend Canon Catherine Ascah

Rev. Ascah biography


Holy Week Liturgies

Palm Sunday - Sunday, March 24
8:30 a.m. - BCP Holy Communion & Blessing of Palms
10:30 a.m.- BAS Liturgy of the Palms & Sung Eucharist

Monday, March 25, Tuesday, March 26 & Wednesday, March 27
7:00 p.m. - Contemplative Holy Eucharist

Maundy Thursday - Thursday, March 28

7:30 p.m. - Sung Eucharist & Stripping of Altar

Good Friday - Friday, March 29

10:30 a.m. - Solemnity of the Lord’s Passion
1:00 p.m. - Meditation on the Seven Last Words

Saturday - March 30

7:00 p.m. - A Vigil for Easter

Easter Sunday - Sunday, March 31

8:30 a.m. - BCP Holy Communion

10:30 a.m.* - Festive Sung Eucharist with Brass
*(special program for children in the hall)




In the Company of Angels
View the


St. Barts Capital Campaign

The Capital Campaign 2021 is now complete.
Thank you to all our donors, parishioners, individuals and organisations in the broader community, including the Government of Ireland, Veterans Affairs Canada and the City of Ottawa, for their generous support for the restoration of the Geddes memorial window.
The window restoration is now successfully completed and this work of commemoration is attracting widespread attention and appreciation.
The success of the Capital Campaign allows us to proceed with detailed projects in the church and the parish hall. Despite the difficult times of the last few years the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you all!

About St Barts

St Barts is a member
of the Anglican Church
of Canada and is in the
Anglican Diocese of Ottawa

Useful Links

Anglican Church of Canada

Anglican Diocese of Ottawa

Anglican Diocese newspaper

Community Ministries
Centre 454
Cornerstone/Le Pilier
St. Luke's table
The Well
Pastoral Counselling Centre

Street Map

Get in Touch